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Tyume Valley Schools

Improving life chances through education


British Council

The British Council supports educators in the UK and worldwide to work together to enrich the quality of education in schools and equip young people to live and work successfully in a global society.
British Council
Consortium of Development Education Centres (CODEC)

Development Education Centres (DECs) are locally based dynamic and innovative centres of global learning. These independent, not-for-profit organisations support and deliver global learning in schools and communities.
Consortium of Development Education Centres (Codec)

Tyume Valley Schools UK Facebook page
Hobbiton Outdoor Education Centre

An Outdoor Activity Centre in the nearby village of Hogsback in the Amatola Mountains. TVS organises at least one Study Camp a year at Hobbiton for children and teachers from schools in the Tyume Valley. The study camps provide a unique opportunity for children to learn personal development and life skills such as Team Building. The study camps are also an opportunity to consolidate TVS' regular local school programmes, though additional IT and English activities. As a core philosophy, all activities offered at Hobbiton must be voluntary and fun!

TVS works closely with Jikani, a community organisation in Hogsback. Jikani aims to increase employment and other opportunities for local people. It currently provides an employment bureau, training, marketing of local crafts and a second-hand clothes shop. During 2014, TVS' IT trainer Vuvu has been delivering weekly adult IT classes in Hogsback.
Oxfam Schools partnerships

Building Successful School Partnerships is a short guide to the key questions you need to consider before embarking on a school link.
Registered Charity Number 1103909